Visi dan Misi

Let me introduce myself, my name is Ridwan Sutriadi, as the Director of Non Regular Education, one of the directorates under the Vice Rector for academic and student affairs which focuses on providing life long learning services to the community as the embodiment of the ITB tagline “globally relevant and locally connected”.

Enrolling in a non-regular education program at ITB can provide several benefits, including:
1. Exceptional studies: The lifelong learning program at ITB offers exceptional magister degree studies. The non-regular and non-degree program at ITB also offers more than 100 courses of all master’s programs for graduates in all majors.
2. International exposure: The International Undergraduate Program at ITB requires students to be active in various global academic activities, providing an atmosphere of international education. This program is open for both Indonesian and foreign citizenships students.
3. Flexibility: Non-regular education programs at ITB offer flexibility in terms of course selection and scheduling, allowing students to tailor their education to their specific needs and interests.
4. Virtual learning: During the pandemic, ITB undergraduate students can do activities virtually, such as courses provided by partner universities abroad.
5. Research opportunities: ITB has 111 research centers and laboratories to support research activities. This provides students with opportunities to participate in research projects and gain valuable experience in their field of study.

In short. Enrolling in a non-regular education program at ITB can provide students with exceptional education, international exposure, flexibility, virtual learning, and research opportunities.

It is my pleasure for me as a Director of Non Regular Education to welcome you all to the International Virtual Course at the Bandung Institute of Technology. This program is designed to serve international students, to learn and work together in project-based problems during a period of time. The lectures will be delivered in English, and the courses cover a wide range of topics, from mathematics to pharmacy, and and other sciences which are reflected in the twelve Faculties/Schools at ITB.

We are honored to collaborate and pursue the international programs of Tropical Coastal Zone Development with HUMANE (TROCOZ 2023), Air Pollution Monitoring and Environmental Impact of Tropical Forest and Peatland Fire (APMEI 2023), and Integrated Water Sanitation and Hygiene (I-WASH 2023) as 2023s FTSL-IVC programs.

In my point of view as an urban planner and deals with smart sustainable cities, these IVC’s programs have several keywords such as: specific concern to the tropical area especially coastal zone and peatland, monitoring model, and sustainability where these keywords are part of global issues in urban and regional planning

We hope that this International Virtual Course will provide you with valuable knowledge and skills that you can apply in your future endeavors. Thank you for joining us, and we wish you all the best in your studies.

Finally, I’d want to thank all of the participants for your dedication to this program. Your eagerness to learn and collaborate with peers from all around the world demonstrates your commitment to your education and desire to make a positive difference in the world.
I hope that this program has provided you with new collaborators, valuable experiences, and knowledge that you can apply in your future endeavors. I encourage to continue to pursue your passions and to use the skills and knowledge you have gained to make a positive impact in your communities and beyond.
Once again, thank you to everyone who participated in this International Virtual Course in ITB. Your contributions have made this program a success, and I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.
Let’s make a tagline “global connected and locally relevant” well implemented, rich with international experience and the program sustainable.

Thank you

Ridwan Sutriadi
31 July 2023.


      Menjadi bagian terintegrasi dari visi ITB terutama sebagai pusat Pendidikan non regular ITB yang dapat memperluas peluang layanan Pendidikan bagi masyarakat untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan bangsa Indonesia.


       Menjadi bagian terintegrasi dari misi ITB terutama dalam memenuhi kebutuhan belajar sepanjang hayat melalui program keprofesian, program Pendidikan dan pelatihan berkualitas, sebagai cerminan dari transformasi ITB yang terbuka, efisien, mutakhir, dan professional dalam menghadapi isu pembangunan secara inovatif, antisipatif, dan responsive terhadap perkembangan regional melalui kolaborasi dengan para pemangku kepentingan pembangunan dengan sumberdaya ITB, alumni, serta masyarakat.


     Tujuan Direktorat Pendidikan Non Reguler juga merupakan tujuan pendidikan program (Program Educational Objectives – PEO), yakni: Menjadikan PS PPI ITB sebagai penyelenggara pendidikan profesi keinsinyuran yang menghasilkan lulusan yang:

  1. Mampu melakukan perencanaan keinsinyuran dengan memanfaatkan sumberdaya dan melakukan evaluasi keinsinyuran secara komprehensif dengan memanfaatkan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi.
  2. Mampu memecahkan permasalahan keinsinyuran melalui pendekatan monodisiplin dan multidisiplin.
  3. Mampu melakukan riset dan mengambil keputusan keinsinyuran sesuai etika profesi dan standar keinsinyuran secara strategis dan akuntabel.


Sasaran Direktorat Pendidikan Non Reguler  adalah sebagai berikut:

  1. Meningkatkan jumlah sub-program studi yang melaksanakan pendididikan reguler.
  2. Meningkatkan jumlah sumber daya akademik (dosen) yang tersertifikasi sebagai insinyur.
  3. Meningkatkan kerjasama dengan industri dan kementerian/lembaga terkait untuk mendapatkan kesempatan pemagangan bagi calon lulusan.
  4. Meningkatkan kerjasama dengan Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia sebagai satu-satunya organisasi profesi keinsinyuran di wilayah yurisdiksi NKRI.